Plastics are used because they are cheap and easily available,
but extreme use of plastic leads to pollution as it is non
biodegradable . It remains in the soil and reduce soil nutrient, It
also accumulate at the bottom of seas and oceans and results
in the death of aquatic animals.

Recent discoveries has found that there are bacteria which can
degrade plastic and they are called Plastic eating bacteria.
Ideonella sakaiensis is one such type of bacteria which could
digest single used bottles that contain PET ,as it secretes PETase
enzyme .
How does this work?
We know that plastics is make up of long polymer repeating
chains of molecules. They are very stable and hard to break. If
this long chains are broken into their building blocks plastics
can be decomposed.PETase enzyme in Ideonella sakaiensis binds to surface of PET

in the plastic and works at 30° , it helps to break the bonds
between the molecules and thus plastic can be degraded.
Thus this discovery has given us hope that we can reduce the
plastic pollution by using bacteria.
- Drishya D R


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