About BCG vaccine

 When BCG is heard, the immediate thought that comes to our mind is the scar on the left shoulder. In our childhood, we probably had no idea about this scar, but it was a wound that has left the scar behind and checking to it if the scar has vanished. Well, this scar is because, the vaccine is injected on the topmost layer of the skin. After injecting the pustule is formed that lasts for 2 to 4 weeks. As a result of injection the skin will get inflamed, which is the response from our immune system. The measure of the inflammation is a criteria for the size of the scar. 

BCG vaccine was given by Albert Calmette and Camile Guerin, and the name stands as such – Bacillus Calmette Guerin(BCG). It is good to hear that this was the very first vaccine against tuberculosis and still a widespread. Basically, BCG acts against neurovascular diseases and injuries, especially against TB and leprosy.

Vaccine is a substance that contains dead or weakened or live versions of microbes. Here the highlight is that, the BCG is the constituent of live bacteria and the bacterium is Mycobacterium bovis. This vaccine does not fight against the disease that already exists before the vaccine is dosed and may not work on every people. Countable number of countries have made this vaccination compulsory and India takes a count. India had high burden of tuberculosis in the past. Also, there are countries which haven’t used this vaccine, and the countries which had used this vaccine once, and the countries which are still using this vaccine.

However, BCG has worked in huge from years and still on duty. Nowadays it has grabbed the attention with respect to COVID-19 and it is under examination to know whether it has something to contribute against COVID-19. Let's try to stay away from the diseases and wish to come out of the present pandemic soon as possible.

-Sarika S R


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